SKU HGS-C101-210
GPS Backroad Map MicroSD - BC
$150.00 CAD / ea
Backroad Mapbooks are proud to release their new Garmin GPS compatible line of topographic maps for BC. Now users can have access to our industry leading road and recreation maps in the palm of their hands. No other source offers as up-to-date backroad, trail and recreation information for all of British Columbia like we do. The Backroad BC GPS Maps enhance the BC 1:20,000 Trim and forest service information and also have the added value of detailed city and highway information to provide a safe and reliable product that will truly get you from your home to the Great Outdoors. In addition to easy access to the patented Backroad Mapbook Points of Interest and recreation descriptions, you can even use the BC GPS Maps in Garmin's MapSource, Basecamp and RoadTrip. BC GPS Map Specific Features:- Garmin GPS, BaseCamp™ & MapSource™ compatible- 20,000 base scale topographic maps- Detailed shaded relief for all of BC - 3D perspective on select Garmin GPS units and BaseCamp™- The most complete Forestry, Industry and logging road coverage available for BC Routable Forest and Industry Roads- Thousands of kilometers of trail systems, including defined ATV, Snowmobile & multi-use trails - BC Paddling Routes with access points and portages- Smart background and searchable Wildlife Management Units for anglers and hunters- Geo-referenced city and backcountry recreation Points of Interest including campsites, fishing hot spots, trail locations, backroad attractions and more - Backroad Mapbook recreation information listings within the Whereto function - Tens of thousands of searchable cities, geographic land and water features- Improved contour and elevation information including: summits, peaks and geographic points- Updated city & rural streets - Seamless topographic maps- And much, much more Note that all the standard Garmin GPS map features like seamless topographic maps, the find tool to locate nearby city, water or recreation features, 20,000 scale geographic points and city navigation are all part of the Backroad BC GPS Maps package.